February 2023
GCA Newsletter

General Membership Meeting

The next General Membership Meeting of Grand Clay Arts will be held on February 16, 2023, at 9:00 AM in the Hopi Room of Chaparral Center.  We look forward to seeing all of you there! 

Message from the President

Bruce Lucas

The Grand has entered the busy spring season. Along with great activities and pleasant weather, the GCA studio is running at full occupancy. Continued consideration toward fellow members is appreciated by all. Let’s take a few minutes to touch on a few points.

Clean-Up (please)

Clay is messy
😊 !


The studio is cleaned weekly by GCA . To support their efforts, we all need to thoroughly clean our workspaces when finished for the day. This includes, table tops, floor area, and yes even the sinks and counter tops. The goal is to prevent clay dust build up. The HEPA Air Filtration systems running 24/7 purify the studio air several times an hour. The system functions best when dried clay dust is free from surfaces. Please wash the white filmy surfaces on table and counter tops. It’s for everyone’s protection.

Share the Space

Please work within the individually marked tabletop spaces. Doing so leads to an enjoyable experience for all needing hand building work areas. We all have favorite studio spots to occupy while creating our masterpieces. However, in season, we suggest a compromise by occupying available marked table spaces for maximum use of the studio.

Drying Racks and Shelves

News Flash 😊….the drying racks and shelves are GCA “community” real estate. Members share all racks and shelves equally. Also, those of us rotating projects in and out of “self-designated” racks and shelves will need to make other arrangements to free space up during this very busy period.

Our Clay Projects on Racks

Please note that all clay projects parked on drying racks for more than two (2) weeks will be discarded. Unfortunately, the studio size does not accommodate long-term
pottery parking.


For sure we all try to keep the studio in great shape. Over the next few months let’s “double down” on keeping our creative space clean and dust free for all to enjoy. Should future discussion be needed concerning studio upkeep, the items will be an agenda topic during the February General Membership meeting.

February Market at Grand (Village Center location)

Cathy Rick led the February sales team to a very good market. Grand residents purchased 165 pottery pieces at an average $25.50 per item. Congratulations to the
entire team!

GCA Past President Walt Fuller’s request is our command!
Walt requested a waist level electrical outlet for his heat gun near his favorite potter’s wheel. Absolutely! Walt’s wish is our command!


Sure, Walt will share 😊!

Have a great month!

See you at the February General Membership Meeting…




Theresa Fritz, Supply Director

As everyone knows, our club is a bustle of creativity right now. Some fantastic classes are being offered and we have many new members joining each month. The shelves are brimming at full capacity and clay sales are reflecting the activity.  We just received another 3200 pounds of clay this past week and I would like to thank Bruce,  Brian Marx and Erik Hendricks ( and my husband George)  for all their muscle work on getting that moved into the storage room for us.  
A few new tools have been stocked at the club, so be sure to keep an eye on the cabinet behind the monitor desk for your immediate needs. Two more pages full of member special orders have recently gone in to Marjons. 
We have posted a new color palette for the Mayco underglazes on the wall by the cubbies for member reference.  Once your special order arrives at the club you will get a call, message or email letting you know that your order is in. PLEASE come pay and pick up your special orders as soon as you are able.  It gets very full on our limited counter space in the storage room when we have 10-12 orders lined up.
Thank you all for your cooperation and keep on with the fantastic work.

IT Corner

Karen LeMar, IT Director

The new Members' page has been rolled out.  It was a few days late due to a MemberLeap issue.  We have placed some buttons on the page (can't miss them!) with the intent that commonly-used functions are quick to access.  We look forward to any feedback you have!


Glaze Room Notes

Jim Donaldson, Glaze Director


The glaze team currently manages 36 different glazes and 5 stains. Our yearly average is mixing about 11 pounds of glaze a week. This time of year, that number is significantly higher. About 80% of glaze use frequency is of studio glazes and the balance are the artist’s own.

It is very helpful if our work does not include cleaning up after yours.

Please clean the counters, buckets and utensils. Leave the room looking better than when you walked in.



The glaze team has made some recent changes and is working on additional ideas.

The buckets and lids have been replaced. The buckets, because they wear and will leak. The lids, to reduce evaporation. The new lids are such that you only need to set them flat on the bucket. If they are pressed down…they will be hard to remove.



If you find the condition or performance of one of our glazes or stains is not as expected (i.e., too low, too thick, too thin, etc.) please continue to use the whiteboard on the door. If you want to discuss, please leave us a note on the counter with your name.



Because some of our glazes are being discontinued by the supplier; we will run out of our stock in 2023. Also, there are other glazes that are not popular. This provides an opportunity to improve our glaze color palette and replace some of our glazes with new. A list of the currently managed glazes is available on the bulletin board in the studio.

The list is sorted by consumption and by frequency of use. As an example: Antique Jade has higher consumption as well as higher frequency of use than Spring Green.

Please fill out a Glaze Survey and return it to the Glaze room by March 1st. The survey forms are available in the glaze room.

This survey will simply ask:

  1. Your name.

  2. What glazes you could live without.

  3. What new colors you would like us to consider.

  4. Other comments you may have.

We appreciate your feedback.


Sherri Singer, In-studio Gallery Manager

I am the new in-studio gallery manager and any questions or problems related to the in-studio gallery can be directed to me.  Renee Silberman and Susan Cover continue to be on the in-studio staff and the three of us are responsible for placing your gallery submissions on the studio shelves.

Just a reminder, all new items to be displayed need to be placed on the shelf by the windows closer to the parking lot and will be put out by the three of us as soon as we verify they have been listed properly on the online gallery.  If members relocate their displayed items, they may be removed from the gallery completely.

We will no longer be having scheduled, periodic rotations.  Rather, we encourage artists to keep their pieces up-to-date.  There is a 5-piece limit, so if an item isn't selling, you'll want to replace it with a new piece.  The only caveat to this is that the Gallery staff reserves the right to remove pieces that are not timely; for example, a Santa dish that is still on the Gallery in February.  Otherwise, we look forward to artists supporting the Gallery with their best and beautiful work!

By the way, some GCA pieces are on display (and for sale) at the Chaparral Center.  Stop by and check it out!

Your cooperation is appreciated.


More on Gallery Pieces

Pat O'Brien

It has been brought to the attention of the Gallery team that members are submitting pieces to be displayed that are unacceptable in terms of quality, meaning the construction of the items doesn't adhere to the high standards expected.

Some pieces have been submitted with actual cracks or parts were attached in a very hazardous manner.  These pieces could easily break or come apart.   Any artwork submitted with these obvious flaws will not be accepted for gallery display.  Grand Clay Arts has earned a reputation as a creative and highly qualified ceramic studio.  We don't want to risk our reputation just to produce product.

Managing Your Service Hours

Pat Conlen, Membership Director

How Do I Know How Many Service Hours I Have?
  • Login to the Members' Area of the website using your username and password.
  • Go to "Volunteering" (same place you go to sign up for Monitor, Kiln or Glaze).
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on "Volunteer Reports."
  • Click the green button "Run Report."
This report will show the number of service hours you have and the date they were earned.  Service hours expire after one year, so this report will help you know when you need to earn more hours.  For example, service hours you earned on 4/1/2022 will expire on 4/2/2023.

What if I Forget These Instructions?

A quick way to get to these instructions is to go to the home page and towards the bottom of the page is a link "Determining Your Service Hours."

How Many Service Hours Do I Need?
  • Full-time Members - residing in Grand more than 90 days a year are required to maintain 12 service hours.
  • Part-time Members - residing in Grand less than 90 days a year are required to maintain 6 service hours.
What Happens if I am Short on Service Hours?

When you swipe your CAM ID card at the studio, your name will show up with a yellow box on the screen.  This means you are not in good standing because you do not have the required number of service hours. Members not in good standing are not allowed to use studio glazes, fire pieces, take classes, purchase supplies or sell pieces in the Gallery, at the Market at Grand or special sales events.

Help - How Do I Get More Service Hours Quickly?
  • Monitor, monitor, monitor!



Jacquie Wodach, Safety Director

In case of an emergency or general injury in the studio, we need to get to the First Aid Station.  So, just a reminder, nothing should be on the table or near the table or sink in this area.

This is how it looked when I came in on February 6. 
This is an OSHA violation.
This is how it looked after I removed all items
that should not be there.  I know this looks like a
convenient open spot; however, PLEASE DO NOT


Thank you for your cooperation!

Clay Forum

Diane Niehof, Becky Alexander, Nancy Quinlisk

On Friday, January 27, our club sponsored a first-ever event suggested by Dave Dick.  Four instructors, with tables full of their artwork, were available to answer members' questions about construction, surface design and glazing.  About 30 people met on the patio chez moi and shared tips, techniques, ideas and snacks.  Several came away with more information than they expected.
Diane Niehof
A special shout-out of thanks to all of the instructors who participated in the Clay Forum.  Brian Marx, Pat O'Brien, Dave Dick and Diane Niehof, the hostess who so graciously opened her home and patio to all of us.  It was a beautiful day, thanks to Brian, as he said he ordered the weather, and it seemed as if all of the attendees enjoyed themselves.

Each of the instructors talked about their backgrounds and things they've learned through the years working with clay and glazes.  Examples were given as they all brought various pieces to 'show & tell' along with a multitude of helpful hints given regarding various glazing techniques and alternative firing methods.  A lot of questions were asked and answered which was helpful to everyone.

Diane topped off the forum serving her famous Key Lime Pie.  It was a well-attended event and very informative.
Beckie Alexander

A beautiful afternoon in a lovely setting, coupled with generous hospitality and knowledge-filled presenters made the forum a perfect combination to enjoy learning from some of our pros...luxury learning at its best!
Nancy Quinlisk



Spring Sale for Plates of Plenty

Laura Abraham, Plates of Plenty Director

Great news!  Grand Clay Arts has another opportunity to raise money for the West Valley Community Food Bank.  On Saturday, March 25, the Spring Arts and Crafts Faire will be held from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM in the Village Center area.  Plates of Plenty will have a booth as part of the event.

POP has a large number of items to sell so we're not asking you for any last minute creations.  However, we would like you to encourage your friends and neighbors to stop by our tables and take a look at the amazing pieces we have to sell.  Who knows!  They may find a special piece to purchase -- a win for them AND the food bank!

Thank you for your support!

Studio Administration

Cathy Rick, Studio Administration Director

My role in Grand Clay Arts is to assist and support Board members, directors and crew leads with managing club activities as needed.  If you have ideas or suggestions for greater efficiency of our club's operations, I am your go-to person.

Miscellaneous Housekeeping

Patti Jones and Cyndi Swintek

If you have many small pieces (like pieces for a totem) to be bisque fired or, if unglazed, glaze fired, please place them in a bowl that will keep them contained during the firing process.  If they are not placed in an appropriate sized container, the firing committee will reject them.

The plaster and ceramic molds stored under the taller tables and in a couple of rear cabinets have a designated storage  area on those shelves.  The back of the molds are marked with a letter and number which will match those on the shelf.  Please return them to their correct spaces. 


Activity in the Studio

Bruce Lucas

GCA Instructor and all around ‘good guy” Brian Marx has challenged his current evening class to create a detailed, closed vessel design. The class is “mid-project” and the results are impressive!

Brian and Ann Funk

Brian and Theresa Fritz

Welcome new member Sheila Kovac!

Check out Sheila’s face mask project inspired by a phone image.

Sheila Kovac


Eric Hendricks creations:

Eric has invested great time and effort to perfect his potter wheel skills producing pots and bowls with a creative touch. Check out a few of Eric’s pieces. He’s hooked!

Upcoming Classes and Events

Lynne Shanrock






Beginning Wheel



Pat O’Brien

GR Pottery Forms Demo.



Jeff Rottman, Guest

Bucket Purse

2/20, 3/1


Pat O’Brien

Hand Building/Carving



Brian Marx

Mudhead Luminaria



Lynne Shanrock

Desert Landscape



Pat O’Brien

Basic Glazing 0228



Connie Johnson

The Doctor Is In!



Diane Niehof

Puzzle Pots 0305

3/5 Sunday


Patti Jones

Betwix & Between

3/6, 8, 13, 15


Brian Marx

Basic Clay

3/7, 14, 21


Connie Johnson

Adobe House



Lynne Shanrock

Leapin' Lizards

3/8, 3/10


Diane Niehof

Beginning Wheel

3/9, 13, 15, 17


Pat O’Brien

Ombre with Lines or Words



Diane Niehof

Slip Trailing



Lynne Shanrock

Outdoor Flowers



Anita Britton

The Doctor Is In!



Diane Niehof

Puff Pot



Lynne Shanrock

Puzzle Pots 0324



Patti Jones

Bucket Purse



Pat O’Brien

Basic Glazing 0328



Connie Johnson

Desert Landscape

3-30, 4/6


Pat O’Brien

The Doctor Is In! 0331



Diane Niehof

Basic Clay – April

4/4, 11, 18


Connie Johnson

The Doctor Is In! 0405



Diane Niehof

Puzzle Pots 0405



Patti Jones

Pickled Pigs Feet



Diane Niehof

Beginning Wheel – April



Pat O’Brien

Go Fish!



Lynne Shanrock

Outdoor Flowers 0420



Anita Britton

Basic Glazing 0425



Connie Johnson

Columns and Bottles

4/26, 28


Diane Niehof

Please check Event Registration on our website for the most up-to-date information.

NOTE: Special Event - Sunday, February 19, 2023, from 1 to 4 PM,  $30.00

Jeff Rottman, creator of GR Pottery Forms, will be giving a demonstration of his unique wooden pottery forms.  Registration is required, sign up online. 
During that time, the studio will not be available for general use.


GCA Newsletter - February 2023