Stamp It!
Date and Time:
Number of Sessions: Two 3-hour sessions
Course Fee: $40.00
Description:This is a class for anyone who wants to add a personal touch to their work. You can spend a lot of money on commercially produced stamps or, for just a little clay and imagination, you can make your own! They can be simple or intricate, it's up to you.
You will create two round, ball-shaped stamps, two small stamps with pinch handles and two rolling cylinder stamps.
Partcipants will learn:
- to make texture tools
Materials:- Clay of choice (you will need approximately 2-1/2 pounds) Instructor recommends B-Mix with Grog or Speckled Butt
- Basic clay tools
- Texture making materials (buttons, nuts or bolts, anything that might make interesting marks)
Class Information:- Skill Level/Pre-requisites: Beginner, Basic Clay Class
- Minimum/Maximum Number of Prticipants: Minimum 3, Maximum 8