Rainbow Shave

Date and Time:
Number of Sessions:    One 3-hour session
Course Fee:                 $26.00 ( ncldes underglaze/ shaving cream) 


Participants will learn to produce a serendipitous design using shaving cream and underglazes.  Students will provide two to three pieces of white bisqued ware (B-mix or B-Mix with Grog) to which they will apply random, spontaneous and colorful patterns.

Participants will learn:
- unique glazing technique 

  • Two or three student-provided white bisqued ware made from B-Mix or B-Mix with Grog clay
  • Underglaze, colors of student's choice
Class Information:
  • Skill Level/Prerequisites:  Basic Clay Class, Beginner
  • Number of participants;  Minimum 3; Maximum 5