New CAM cards and QR Scanner Info
3 Ways to Check-in:
1. Magnetic strip card reader
There is no change to this unit. Use it with cards that do not have a QR code.
2. QR code scan
Use this unit with cards that have a QR code.
3. Keyboard
There is no change to the use of the keyboard. It can be used to type in the CAM ID.
The number on the card must match what is in the GCA database.
If you have gotten a new card with a different ID, you must update your profile:
- Log in to the website (
- Click on “Change Contact/Profile Info” on upper right of the screen.
- Change “Member ID (CAM #)”
Please allow 24 hours for the database to update.
Newly issued CAM cards have various formats. CAM is working to get all IDs and cards consistent, but it will take time. Right now, here are strategies to manage the various card and ID types in our club:
1. If you have recently gotten a new CAM card...
- Log into the website to update your CAM ID.
- Click the "Change Contact/Profile Info" link in the upper right of the page.
- Enter your ID exactly as it is on you card.
2. Monitors...
- Not all the cards have a working magnetic strip. If the strip does not work, type in the ID as it is on the card.
- If the member is not found, make sure the member has updated the CAM ID in the website, as described above.
- Last resort: email with the member's name.
- Follow the procedure as if the member has forgotten their card.