Handbuilding II: Beyond Basc Clay

Date and time: 
Number of sessions:
 Three 3-hour classes
Course Fee: $60.00


Class will introduce more advanced handbuilding construction techniques, and introduce recovery techniques for clay and glazing.

Participants will learn:
- complex construction methods using multiple seams, and larger slabs
- how to bevel and blend seams
- methods for embellishing pieces with texture, add ons, feet and handles
- techniques for repairing cracks, and trouble shooting possible construction and drying issues
- tips to level a piece
- various glazing and staining tips, and discuss reglazing techniques 

    Class 1
  • Review studio protocols and cleaning expectations 
  • Using Hump and Slump molds: instruction and demo
  • Brief discussion on sprigging, texture and adding handles and/or feet
  • Create bowl using hump or slump method

    Class 2
  • Slab building discussion
  • Review techniques for closing seams 
  • Construct a bird house using templates and texture

   Class 3
  • Discuss glazing techniques by exploring application options, glaze combinations, record keeping, reglazing
  • Discuss use of stains to enhance pieces
    Glaze pieces made in class 


  • Basic clay tools
  • B-Mix with Grog Clay or Speckled Buff
  • Texture Tools if you have any
  • Highly Desired: purchase bevel cutting tool

Class Information:

  • Skill level/Pre-requisites:  Beginner/  Basic Clay Class
  • Number of students: Minimum 3   Maximum  8