Desert Landscape

Date and Times: 
Number of sessions:
 Two 3-hour sessions
Course Fee: $40.00


In this class students will create either a plate or wall hanging that reflects the western landscape. Students can modify the landscape however it fits their description of a western landscape.

Students will learn:
- layering with texture techniques
- magabemebt of large hump/slump piece to avoid warping/ cracking 
- use of stains 






    • Basic handbuilding tools 
    • Clay of choice, slab rolled out before class begins
    • Images or resources to incorporate in design
    • Texturing tools if you have them
    • Small handle roller
    • Paint brushes 
    • Large plastic bag
    • Cotton towels for moisture


    Class Information:

    • Skill Level/Pre-requisites:  Beginner/Basic Clay class
    • Minimum students: 3   Maximum: 8